The found object: battered makeup brush lying in crosswalk |
Time to give another found object a soul and send it on its way. For the back story on this ongoing project and the Japanese folk belief in
tsukumogami, or objects with souls, see an earlier post —
Tsukumogami: Objects with Souls. For more lost objects in the series see:
I actually walked past this fabulous find in the middle of a crosswalk because I was heading towards a destination and absorbed in the quotidian task of crossing the street. Once I reached the opposite curb, however, it took about three seconds to decide I had to backtrack and grab this wonderful object. In addition to normal wear and tear it looked like it had been run over a couple of times, chipping the paint on the handle, denting the metal, and giving it a wonderful aged patina. Once home, after thoroughly washing it, I studied it for a while until its soul emerged. And here it is.
Brush necklace |
The battered, abandoned brush is now a necklace with decidedly tribal overtones.
Close-up, brush head |
Regarding the how-to:
The How: A |
The How: B |
The final step in any of the projects in the Lost and Found series is to send the object back out into the world to continue its travels. Friends fought me on this particular object, urging me to keep the necklace, but my mission is to shepherd lost objects along on their way, not to hoard them. A few objects back I started attaching a card or tag to the objects. Here is the copy for this one:
Card cover |
Card inside |
Card back (QR code leads directly to this blog) |
Necklace with tag |
And finally, it was time to let this object go. It was just released at the same crosswalk where it was originally found. I left it, walked to my local thrift store around the corner, and by the time I walked back it was gone.
The release |
If you have an eye for detail, you may be wondering what happened to the brush handle. Be assured, I have plans and they are in progress. Stay tuned.