Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Boro Bread, Sashiko Stitching

Sashiko stitching

There is a convoluted story regarding how these pieces came to be but to keep it Zen-simple, I just find the making and contemplation of these deeply satisfying. For earlier work in textiles that involves the Japanese tradition of boro mending and sashiko stitching see Uber Boro - Extreme Mending. This segue into boro bread just seems like the natural punchline at the end of a haiku.

Boro bread (materials: whole grain bread, white bread, embroidery floss)

Boro patching: bread slice and bread heel

Close-up of sashiko stitching

The final piece below is not from the boro tradition. Instead it is a simple mend using a blanket stitch - lovely in its own humble way.

Simple mend, blanket stitch


  1. This is the best use of bread. ( now that I eat veryloe carb). Love it. You rock.

  2. Thanks Christine, I adore your work. If others want to see her stuff, she's in my blog list on the right of the page.


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