The "not" pins |
After mulling over my own reaction to the events of Tuesday, November 8, I started thinking in terms of communication and dialogue and began making stuff accordingly.
First up is the "not" pin, made from paper, an old tin can lid, and a pin-backing that costs about ten cents (sold in packs of ten to 12 in various sizes at any craft/hobby/jewelry findings store). Here is what it looks like from the front:
Pin front |
And here is what it looks like from the back:
Pin back |
The original idea was that I would wear the pin, wait until someone asked me what it was or what it meant. Then I would tell them the copy on the back. If they appeared to like the message (and the pin) I would give it to them. If they did not appear to like the message I would have a dialogue with them.
Things have almost immediately gotten out of hand. As I give away a pin others gather and want one also. I am running out of my stash of tin can lids and have sent out a call for more. If you would like to make your own "not" pins, see the
Tin Can Frames Tutorial on this blog. For a template for the copy for front and back of the pins, get a free download at
"Not" Pin Templates. This could make an ideal present for all of the depressed folks on your gift list this 2016 holiday season.
Meanwhile, I had created a postcard for Donald Trump (Donald Trump c/o The Trump Organization, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10022) for the "Postcard Avalanche" on November 26-28, and decided to make additional copies and give those away also. The idea is that instead of sitting around feeling frustrated, angry, depressed, and powerless, you might as well exercise your free speech while we still have it and let Donald Trump know what is on your mind and what your concerns are before he becomes inaugurated.
Postcard front |
Postcard back |
To print postcards of your own you will find a free download at my
Postcard to Trump template. Just print them up and start giving them away (and if you're really nice, put postcard postage on the cards before you do so — a small investment in free speech and taking a stand).