
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ossified Fairy Wings

Woodland specimens

As recorded earlier in this blog, a little-known fact has recently come to light, supported by the evidence documented on these pages: Fairies regularly shed their wings just as snakes shed their skins. It is theorized, though not proven, that this occurs during change of seasons from winter to spring. Once shed, the wings ossify and crystallize. See the prime specimen below.

Hanging wings: front

Hanging wings: back

The final photo below shows the wings held in a hand to give a sense of scale. If you're curious about how this was done and would like formulas and how-to information see Crystallization.

A wing in the hand is worth two fairies in the bush.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Crystallization: Ossified Fairy Dress

Who knew that fairies shed their dresses and wings just like snakes shed their skins? Careful searching of a forest floor may lead to the discovery of a little ossified ballgown like the one above.

In this case the ossified gown has been replicated with a little human help and a supersaturated solution of 3 tablespoons 20 Mule Team Borax per cup of boiling water. The first step: create a diminutive ballgown out of scraps of linen.

Next step: immerse the gown in the supersaturated borax solution and let sit for a few hours (this crystallization process took just three hours—apparently borax crystals love linen).

In suspension

Suspension from above: a toothpick through the shoulder loops, hung by a piece of thread from a wooden skewer.

Drying, suspended from a corner over the kitchen sink

The finished gown, now weighing about a pound and able to stand on its own

A fairy gown in the hand...

Or hung on the wall

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Crystallization Experiment #4: Shells and Rocks

Crystallized rock and seashells

Here are some odds and ends from earlier crystallization experiments (see Crystallization for earlier experiments with books, photos, and eyeglasses). I think the point here is that you can crystallize absolutely anything and the question is: What would look far more interesting if it was crystallized? I already have my next experiment in mind...stay tuned.

Once again the formula used is 3 tablespoons 20 Mule Team Borax (available in any supermarket) to one cup boiling water. Stir to create a supersaturated solution, immerse your object, and walk away. You'll have stunning crystals in less than a day.

Crystallized rock

If you're like me you tend to pick stuff up when  you're wandering along the seashore. Once you get home you empty your pockets and end up with shells and rocks scattered here and there throughout your house. Now you can crystallize them and while they will still just be a bunch of crap lying around your house, they will be very, very interesting and mysterious crap.

Crystals following their own path along a seam in the rock


Scallop shell with gorgeous crystals

Close-up: gorgeously fat borax crystals

Clam shell sporting a spill of crystals


The end.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Happi Coat with Boro Mending and Gingko Leaves

The second in a series of experiments with gingko leaves. This accompanies an earlier project, Japanese Boro Mending with Gingko Leaves, featuring a miniature kimono. Here a scaled-down, hand-sewn happi coat is the canvas. Happi coats, made of indigo or brown linen, date back to the Edo period (1603-1867) and usually featured a family crest. I find the leaves of one of the most ancient trees on the planet perfect for that purpose.

Front (click to enlarge)

Close-up, left side

Traditional Japanese sashiko stitching has been used to secure the leaves, which then become a form of boro mending, a traditional style of patching garments.

Close-up of sashiko stitching

Close-up of sashiko stitching

On the back of the coat, a few random little red leaves have been added as well.

Back (click to enlarge)

Close-up of left back

Close-up of right back

Red leaf

Close up of sashiko stitching

I will be posting pictures of both gingko leaf stitching projects after they age. My hope is that they will look even more like classic boro-mended garments at that point. To see boro mending on human-size clothing, from the practical to the extreme, click here: Boro.